Back in the Writing Game

Wow. My last post was over year ago. That's horrible. And to any of the few people who actually did try to stay tuned only to see absolutely no activity from the Fresh Pen at all, I sincerely apologize. The only way I can explain how such an optimistic, determined post can turn into over a year of inactivity is that life happens. 

I actually put my writing on hold shortly after that post to get other aspects of my life in order.  I'm glad to report after some trials and tribulations, I'm finally at a place where I can attack this writing with a vengeance and go after my dreams. 


So my first order of business is to finish my unfinished projects. The most immediate one is the kids version of Random. If you've never heard of Random it is a collection of short stories inspired by random works of art by random artists from all over the world. Basically I saw a picture I liked and turned it into a short story as if that image was a clip of a much broader story. I had lots of fun doing it and I also created a super cool audiobook, fully dramatized to go with it. You can download the ebook and audiobook here for absolutely free.  Please just let me know what you think of it and which story is your favourite.  

So the kids version will follow the same concept. I hope to turn it into an annual series. We'll see. 

Speaking of Random, I feel like this blog is going to be a collection of my random writing adventures as I try to take my publishing company Sky Blue Dragon to new heights. So it will be an interesting insight in how a writer navigates the publishing world in such an evolving landscape. 

Other than that, I have a few other projects that I want to get done, and ones that I want to get started, so I'll keep you posted here, on my social media, and where ever else you can find me. 

Alright, so lets keep in touch and get it done this 2016. 


The Fresh Pen